We've done it again: the 2nd Velener Digital Summit

On into the digital future with good vibes and lots of information — the 2nd Velener Digital Summit was once again held on our outdoor area at the invitation of Dennis Schulte, the economic promoter of the city of Velen.
Beil the very best summer weather, with the experience gained from last year and really eager for a good event, a great event was set up again in joint organization. Local entrepreneurs came to discuss topics related to future-oriented digitization to inform and stayed up for exchange and networking.

After a musical warm-up with the Düsseldorf band Barriola Dennis Schulte Once again this year, the topics are confident and entertaining. Dagmar Jeske, Mayor of Velen, honored herself and us and said a few words of welcome.
The office people from Heinrich Wietholt GmbH — this time represented by Hubert Robert — provided exciting insights into how to use and use ChatGPT.
Max Messing brought along the omnipresent topic of QR codes and answered Dennis Schulte's interested questions. With practical examples from bicycle manufacturers to vertical farming, it was vividly demonstrated what information QR codes can provide today.
Completed the informative part Benno Bloemen (Bloemen VUS) from the board of TuS Velen and our marketing manager Lukas Müller on the subject: personnel marketing with sports clubs.

Then it was time for the cozy part of the evening with live music. The two boys from Barriola accompanied the networking with flamenco guitars and made the area rock along with pop songs in Spanish garb.
There was also cold beer and the usual cold drinks, tapped and served by the very friendly counter team. There were also delicious wines from Silke von Lieben with her “WeinZeit” and coffee specialties from the Wietholt coffee masters. So that no one starves to death, there were squeaky yellow burritos Chidonkey Food truck.

☀️ Great weather
🌯 Delicious food
🍺 Cool drinks
🎸 Top music
🎤 Exciting talks