


Microservices are an architecture and method for software development that structures an application as a collection of small, autonomous services. Each of these services, known as a microservice, is responsible for a specific task and functions independently of the other services.


The concept of microservices has evolved in response to the limitations of monolithic architectures, in which an application is built as a single, indivisible block. The introduction of microservices marked a significant change in how software is developed and delivered by improving the modularity, flexibility, and scalability of applications.

Areas of application

Microservices are commonly used in environments that require rapid development, frequent updates, and scalable infrastructure. Typical areas of application can be found in cloud-native environments, Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications and in large, digital platforms such as Self-service portals or B2B dealer portals.


The benefits of microservices include improved scalability, as services can be scaled independently of each other. Fault tolerance is also increased because the failure of one service does not affect the entire application. Microservices also enable faster time to market, as teams can work on different services in parallel.


The biggest challenges when implementing microservices are the complexity of managing a larger number of services and ensuring consistent integration and communication between those services. Solutions for this include the use of containerization technologies such as Docker and orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes.


A specific example of the use of microservices is the development of a B2B retailer portal that organizes various services for product catalog management, order processing and customer support in separate microservices. This allows each service to be independently updated and scaled as needed.


Microservices provide a flexible and scalable architecture for developing modern applications, but also require management and integration. Your application enables efficient and fault-tolerant system design, particularly in dynamic and complex digital environments.