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Load balancing


Load balancing is the technique of distributing incoming network requests or network load across multiple servers so as not to overburden a single resource, optimize performance, and increase the availability of applications. This improves response times and increases system reliability.


The need for load balancing arose with the growth of highly available and scalable web services. In modern IT infrastructures, load balancing is an essential part of ensuring the continuous and efficient operation of network services, particularly in distributed systems such as cloud environments.

Areas of application

Load balancing is used in numerous IT areas, including web hosting, content delivery networks (CDNs), enterprise servers, and cloud computing platforms. It is critical for applications that require high availability and scalability, such as e-commerce websites, online banking systems, and large enterprise applications.


The key benefits of load balancing include improved application performance, reduced downtime, more consistent resource usage, and greater flexibility when dealing with peak loads. It helps improve the user experience and keep critical systems stable even under high volumes of requests.


Load balancing challenges include correctly configuring load balancers, choosing the appropriate load balancing method, and managing synchronization issues between servers. It requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to function optimally.


A practical example of load balancing is using it in a Self-service portal for customers of a large industrial company. To efficiently process customer requests and avoid downtime, particularly during high usage peaks, a load balancer distributes the load across multiple servers.


Load balancing is a critical technology in network management that is used to optimize load distribution in IT systems and ensure high performance and availability of online services. It is essential for companies that need a robust, scalable, and reliable IT infrastructure.