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Freemium Model


The freemium model is a business model in which basic services or products are offered free of charge, while advanced features, services, or physical goods are available for a fee. It combines the words “free” and “premium” and aims to attract a broad user base, some of which will later become paying customers.


The freemium model has become particularly popular in the digital sector, where software, apps and online services are easily scalable. It became popular thanks to companies such as Skype, LinkedIn and many game developers, who reach many users through the free basic version and monetize them through premium offerings.

Areas of application

The freemium model is used in many digital products and services, particularly in software, mobile applications, multimedia platforms and online games. It is also increasingly being used in educational platforms and tools for business applications.


The benefits of the freemium model include the low barrier to entry for new users, rapid deployment of the product, and the ability to gain valuable insights through user data. For companies, it offers the potential to build up a large user base and convert some of them into paying customers over time.


Freemium model challenges include the need to find the right balance between free and paid features to convert users to premium services without losing them. Monetizing can be difficult, especially when the majority of users stick with the free services.


An example of the freemium model in the industry could be a Self-service portal, which offers basic inventory management features for free, while advanced analytics tools and integrations with enterprise systems are premium features.


The freemium model is an effective strategy for quickly building a large user base and monetizing it through additional, paid features. It requires careful planning and constant adjustment to satisfy both free and paying users.