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Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) refers to digital systems that store and update data on multiple computers at the same time. This technology makes it possible to store transactions and information in a decentralized and secure manner without the need for a central supervisory authority.


DLT has become known in recent years primarily due to the development of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The basic idea is to create a distributed network in which every transaction and every change to the ledger is verified and recorded by all participants. This ensures a high level of transparency and security.

Areas of application

DLT is used in various areas, including financial services, supply chain management, healthcare, and the public sector. In the financial industry in particular, DLT offers opportunities for faster and more cost-effective transactions, while in supply chain management, the traceability and transparency of products can be improved.


The key benefits of DLT include increased transparency, improved security through cryptography, efficiency gains through automation, and decentralization, which minimizes the risk of a single point of failure.


One of the most difficult challenges of DLT is scalability, as the system can lose performance as the number of transactions and participants increases. Other challenges include interoperability between different DLT systems, regulatory uncertainties and high energy consumption, particularly with blockchain-based DLTs.


A specific example of how to use DLT is the implementation of a B2B merchant portal, which enables companies to carry out transactions directly and without intermediaries. This can reduce processing costs and increase transaction speed.


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) offers a revolutionary way to store and manage data on a decentralized network. DLT is a promising technology with applications in many industries and significant benefits such as transparency and security, although challenges such as scalability and regulatory issues remain to be resolved.