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Design Thinking


Design thinking is an iterative, user-centered innovation process that aims to develop creative solutions to complex problems.


The origin of design thinking dates back to the 1960s and was influenced by the work of designers such as Herbert A. Simon and Robert McKim. However, it only became popular in the 2000s thanks to the IDEO company and the Stanford University d.school. Design Thinking combines elements of design, psychology and business development and relies on interdisciplinary teams that create innovative solutions through empathy and experimentation.

Areas of application

Design thinking is used in many areas, including product development, service design, business development, and strategic planning. It is particularly useful in situations where the needs of end users are central and require creative approaches to problem solving.


The main advantage of design thinking lies in its user-centered approach, which ensures that solutions are actually tailored to the needs of users. In addition, the iterative process promotes continuous improvement and innovation. Through collaboration in interdisciplinary teams, different perspectives and ideas are integrated, resulting in more creative and diverse solutions.


One of the challenges of implementing Design Thinking is the need for a culture of open thinking and a willingness to experiment. This can be particularly difficult in traditional industrial companies, where fixed structures and hierarchies prevail. To overcome this challenge, companies should offer workshops and training to develop an understanding of the principles of design thinking and encourage employees to actively participate.


A practical example of using Design Thinking is the development of a B2B portal. By involving end users in the development process and testing various prototypes, it was possible to create a user-friendly portal that meets the needs of customers and increases the efficiency of business transactions.


Design thinking is a valuable approach for solving complex problems through user-centered, iterative processes. It promotes innovation, creativity, and the development of solutions that meet the real needs of users. Despite implementation challenges, Design Thinking can be successfully integrated through training and an open corporate culture.