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Content Management System (CMS)


A content management system (CMS) is software that makes it possible to create, manage and publish content on digital platforms without the need for special technical knowledge. A CMS usually separates content from presentation so that users can edit content without knowing HTML or other programming languages.


The development of content management systems began in the late 1990s in response to the growing need to update web content quickly and efficiently. These systems have evolved rapidly to meet the needs of various types of users, from small businesses to large media companies.

Areas of application

CMS systems are used in a wide range of contexts, including website management, blogging, article publishing, and e-commerce. In industry, CMS systems are used to manage corporate websites, intranets and Self-service portals, where they help provide consistent and up-to-date information.


The key benefits of a CMS include ease of use and the ability to quickly update web content, resulting in improved communication with customers and stakeholders. A CMS can also encourage team collaboration by allowing multiple users to edit and manage content at the same time.


The challenges of using a CMS include system security, compatibility with various plugins or extensions, and scalability to keep pace with the company's growth. Choosing the right CMS also requires careful consideration of the company's specific needs and resources.


An industrial company could use a CMS to be B2B retailer portal, with product information, news, and support documents regularly updated to ensure consistent and effective communication with business customers.


A content management system is an indispensable tool for companies that want to efficiently manage and update their digital content. It supports the achievement of business goals through improved digital communication and content strategy.