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API gateway


An API gateway is an interface management component that serves as an entry point into a system to process API requests. It is a layer that mediates between client requests and the various backend services.


The use of API gateways has become more important with the growth of microservices architectures and cloud-based applications. Originally developed to simplify the complexity of interactions between various services, they provide centralized processing and management of API requests.

Areas of application

API gateways are used in many areas of the IT infrastructure of industrial companies, in particular in the management of microservices, in cloud platforms and in systems that require the integration of various applications.


The key benefits of an API gateway include improving security through authentication and authorization of API requests, load balancing, reducing complexity by abstracting various backend services, and streamlining communication flows.


One challenge is correctly configuring the API gateway to ensure that it works efficiently and does not create bottlenecks. Another difficulty can be scalability, especially in very large systems.


In a B2B retailer portal the API gateway can be used to control access to various internal systems, such as inventory management, order processing, and customer service. Through the API gateway, requests can be efficiently routed and managed to ensure that the portal functions smoothly.


An API gateway is an essential element of modern IT infrastructures that helps to simplify and secure communication between various services. It provides centralized control options and makes it easy to scale and manage microservices.