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Data migration


Data migration refers to the process of transferring data between storage systems, data formats, or computer systems. The aim is to effectively and securely transfer data from an old system to a new system, often as part of system upgrades, the implementation of new systems or IT restructuring.


The need for data migration regularly results from organizational changes, technological advances or strategic realignments of companies. The migration must be carefully planned and executed to prevent data loss and maintain data integrity.

Areas of application

Data migration is necessary in almost all areas where large amounts of data are stored and managed. This includes industries such as financial services, healthcare, education, retail, and industrial manufacturing. In industrial companies, data migration is particularly relevant when switching from legacy systems to modern ERP or CRM platforms.


Successful data migration enables companies to take advantage of new technologies, manage their data more efficiently, and improve system performance. A well-executed migration also improves data accessibility and security and supports compliance requirements.


The greatest challenges in data migration include managing compatibility issues between old and new systems, ensuring data quality during transfer, and minimizing downtime during migration. In addition, there is the need to train employees to use new systems.


An example of data migration in an industrial company could be the transition from an outdated warehouse management system to a modern cloud-based solution. This would not only improve the efficiency of warehouse operations, but also facilitate integration with other business areas such as sales and distribution.


Data migration is a critical process for companies that want to modernize or expand their IT infrastructure. Careful planning and execution is critical to ensure data integrity and availability.